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Hope  International: Program Officer

Program Officer
Hope International (HI)



To invest in the dreams of families in the world’s underserved communities as we proclaim and live the Gospel.


We share the hope of Christ as we provide biblically based training, saving services, and loans that restore dignity and break the cycle of poverty.


The love of Jesus Christ motivates us to identify with those living in poverty and be His hands and feet as we strive to glorify God.

Program Officer – Sowers of HOPE


The Sowers of HOPE Program Officer is responsible for the operations of the Sowers of HOPE Program among implementing church partners. In this role, the Program Officer will advise, and support implementing church partners’ Program Officers for the Sowers of HOPE program and other HOPE regenerative agriculture activities.

LOCATION: HOPE Burundi (Bujumbura)
LEVEL: Officer
DEPARTMENT: Savings Group Programs



Operations Manager


CATEGORY: Exempt, Full-time


The Sowers of HOPE Program Officer is responsible for the operations of the Sowers of HOPE Program among implementing church partners. In this role, the Program Officer will advise, and support implementing church partners’ Program Officers for the Sowers of HOPE program and other HOPE regenerative agriculture activities. This role will include follow-up of program initiatives and operations, communicating and coordinating regenerative agriculture activities with the broader goals of HOPE Burundi’s Savings Group Programs, consulting with the Sowers of Hope Program Manager, Program Advisor, and Savings Group field teams on existing and future agriculture opportunities, and being active and visible in the community. This role requires the effective coordination of ministry operations, including the implementation of Sowers of HOPE AgriFaith Associations and other regenerative agriculture initiatives to steward resources for holistic impact while ensuring the financial health of both church partners and HOPE’s agricultural efforts.


Promote and fulfill the mission and vision of HOPE International

 Savings Group Program Team Engagement

Participate in regular Hope Burundi’s savings group program team meetings and planning/strategy sessions, carrying out assigned tasks and working to support team strategy.

Model servant-leadership in the work environment, including HOPE Burundi co-workers and ministry stakeholders.

Contribute to a culture that models Biblical principles and incorporates an intentional and effective Christ-centered witness in all savings group programs.

Encourage and model servant-like posture in relationships with the field team, and church partner staff/volunteers.

 Sowers of HOPE Representation

Ensuring the relationship-centered promotion of the program which is evidence-based and impact-oriented, in order to support the interests and engagement of cross-denominational church leaders.

Sowers of HOPE Operations 

Works alongside program staff to ensure that the mission is fulfilled through program implementation. This includes:

General support to Church Partner implementation staff (80%)

  1. Provide coaching support to our implementing partners or Ministry Coordinator or Field Coordinators (depending to the initiative) through reviewing reports and conducting Partner Support Visits and providing feedback. This includes participating in different meetings on field, church partner meetings, and providing technical and facilitation training if needed.
  2. Organize quarterly field Officer trainings, and attend CPMM, MC and Management-level meetings.
  3. Review partners’ reports and provide the Operations Manager with updates on partners’ progress and challenges.
  4. Conduct Partner Support Visits (also termed as field visits) to assess documentation, identify areas for further support, update records, and provide recommendations to the church partner.
  5. Support church partners’ staff to navigate well opportunities of collaboration with other organizations or government.
  6. Review training timelines to ensure that adequate materials are available for all training sessions.
  7. Provide relevant feedback and ongoing support for program development.
  8. Advise and help Field Coordinators and Church Partner volunteers in their capacity building.
  9. Collect and share best practices and impact stories.
  10. Advise church partners on how to access wholesale materials and other resources.

Developing new initiatives (10%)

Based on operational issues and learning, consolidate evidence that offers insights for the design team to shape the program development, including developing proposals for innovations that can improve the program over the long term.

Spiritual Integration and Self Development (10%)

Lead and engage in team and department devotions, and set personal and professional goals, outlining a realistic roadmap with the supervisor.


Personal confession of Christian faith and commitment to the mission and vision of HOPE International

Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Agronomy or Agribusiness, Community Development, Rural Economy or equivalent, plus professional experience in Agri Faith ministry.

Demonstrated proficiency in program operations including the ability to create well-organized reports, accomplish objectives (as opposed to only tasks), keep detailed records of activities and expenses, and participate in budgeting.

Proven leadership abilities and experience with group collaboration

Experience in organizing and conducting trainings to suit different learning needs.

Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Self-driven with demonstrated ability to solve problems, and work independently and in collaboration with a team.

Familiarity with microfinance and savings groups is strongly preferred.

Fluent in spoken and written Kirundi and English; proficiency in other languages a plus (i.e. French)

Willing to go above and beyond out of a desire to see lives and land transformed.

How to apply:

Complete application will be deposited to the gate keeping office in the envelop containing cover letter, Resume, recommendation from the spiritual leader and any other document that should attest the candidate ability.

Applications will be remitted to the Hope Office gate keeping, INSS quarter, Road Italy no 8, front of SOCAR Insurance company. The application deadline is Sunday April 9th, 2023.

Catégorie: Offre d'emploi

Délai: 9 avril 2023
